Interesting results. I haven't gone back to check, but I believe this may be the one of the few times in which every vote category received at least one vote. Great!
The question was, "How many photographs do you take during an average trip to Walt Disney World?" We received 22 votes on this question and the survey says that just over a third of those who voted take 1000+ on your average trip.

This is were I landed. There were two individuals (and I know that I know at least one of them) who come home with over 2000 photographs. I have had a few occasions when I would have counted myself among the 2000+ photographers and will perhaps again, but I usually fall in the 1000+ range. Looking at the other results, 3 people say they take between 1 and 199 photographs, 5 are taking between 200 and 499 and 3 are registering somewhere between 500 and 999. It is safe to say that with the digital age, a lot of people are taking a lot of pictures.
One result that I found interesting was the "I don't take pictures" category. We had one person who said they don't take photographs while in the park. And you know, that is okay. As someone who loves photography and who is forever after the "perfect" shot, I can't grasp the concept of no pictures, but I can appreciate it. I have come to a point now where I will sometimes leave the cameras in the resort room and enjoy the parks without the worry of a camera. Mind you, it isn't always an easy thing to do, but it has proven to be an enjoyable thing to do.
I do have question I would love to ask, but don't know how to create a poll that considers all the variables. The question is, and perhaps those who voted can post a comment to let me know what are your favorite subjects to photograph? I know some who are very good at photographing people, others landmarks, and so forth. I enjoy exploring the architecture of the parks and the colors of night. But how about you?
Now, for this weeks poll. It is pretty simple. How many times have you visited Walt Disney World? The choices are at the right.