I have made some progress on the Everyman’s Library “Essential 100”. Not as much I would have liked, but some. I found myself pausing from time to time to read about Peter and the Starcatchers or of Finn and the other Kingdom Keepers. I also bowered a book from a friend entitled Waking Walt. Interesting read. And there have been other Disney related books here and there. But, the “Essential 100” is a multi-year project and I am working through it. Currently I am involved in A Tale of Two Cities.
Let’s see, the “not so good about others”. I didn’t make it to the Gulf Coast and I didn’t lose 28 pounds. We won’t go into that subject other than to say I am working on it again. Though I made multiple trips to Walt Disney World, I was unable to meet up with my friend Ryan on any of them. But we were able to meet for dinner in Waynesville, North Carolina one evening last year. It was nice for Mrs. Doc and myself to share a nice meal with Ryan and his wife. I will say that I had a great few days in the parks with my good friends from England, Dave and Susan Steer and their two sons Ben and Jake.
Photography? I am still working at it, and will continue to do so. In fact, I hope to work at it with more fervor this year than last.
And as for the Number 1 resolution for 2010, well, it is the same this year. I feel I am a good husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, uncle, in-law, and friend. But, we can all do better in all our relationships and that is my intent.
But let’s look at this year. The object, the goal, for this year is downsizing and simplifying. I have been having thoughts along this line for a good part of this past fall, but as 2010 drew to a close I became aware of just how complex my life had become, how cluttered it was. Not just the physical clutter of having many years of accumulating around me, but mental clutter – the clutter of having too much going on. I found myself running so that I was unable to do the things I enjoy doing most, or working towards creative goals and projects that I sat for myself. Example: I love to draw, but I never have the time and could never seem to make the time.
So, as I move forward in 2011, simplicity is key. I hope that when this year closes and we visit this theme again in 2012, that I can tell you that life is slower and more creatively fulfilling. I’ll keep reading. I will continue to visit Walt Disney World. And yes, I’ll keep blogging. Hopefully I’ll post an article that will be of some interest to you and, I hope that from time to time a really nice photograph will catch your eye.
Here’s to 2011! I hope your year provides you with many fulfilled dreams!
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