This has not been a month for keeping my resolution to post at least 10 items. You'd think that would be easy right? Especially with a blog that seems to do little more than post photographs. So for this lapse in content, I apologize.
Can we be honest here? For awhile now I have had the thought of giving up the blog. I believe that when it comes to Disney content, there are a lot of great sites. Sites that are providing readers with a wide variety of content; old and new, nostalgic and forward looking. I have often thought would this little endeavor be missed? My answer has usually been, "probably not."
This month has provided a great deal of distractions; some important, others not. There are things around the house that need tending to, other goals in life that need to be fleshed out and addressed and then, there are times when you simply come home from a busy day at work and not want to do anything. And I have had a few of those lately.
But you know, as these days of May have progressed I have decided that I really don't want to give up the blog. Although my output is minimal, not cutting edge and tends not to shed light on new and exciting things, it does, from time to time amuse. A photograph may take you away for just a moment from whatever your day is and cause you to smile. It may ask you to stop and think that there is not a whole lot on this earth that is more important than family and the time we have with them and give to them. That are blogs that I read that challenge me to dream; to ask myself, "What is my dream?" Perhaps The Disney Obsession has caused you to dream - to look beyond today.
I realize that I repeat myself at times and I know I have mentioned this previously. But, as I continue with The Disney Obsession you may find me writing about other things from time to time. I don't feel that I can stop posting (deep down I'd come to miss it) but I know that to continue means a change here and there. It is all part of the search for that dream that moves me forward. The blog may more closely resemble its tagline, "celebrating the love of life with a little obsession behavior towards disney thrown in." It may become more of a personal blog, but still contain that Disney passion that perhaps prompted 82 of you to follow the blog. For you, and for me, I promise there will still a great deal of Disney. But as my days continue I know I have so much more to explore.
We all are on a journey and we often encounter twists and turns on the paths we have taken. There is the occasional fork that prompts us to choose one direction over another. And all the while, we constantly need to look at where we have been and think of where we may be headed. We have to ask, "What it is the next thing?" I have a few ideas.
It is an often overused cliche, but it remains true, "keep moving forward".