Here we are in 2008 and it is time to bring you the first Where In The World for the new year. We will start off simple. But before we do, let's acknowledge our winners for the past two World posts.
Back on December 21st I posted a photo of the terracotta type light fixtures in the Outpost area of the World Showcase Promenade. That is the area between China and Germany. Congratulations to Ray at Main Street Gazette for having the correct answer. Then on December 30th, almost as soon as hit the "Publish Post" button (or so it seemed) George over at Imaginerding correctly guessed Muppets 3D, specifically, the clock tower at Muppet Vision 3D. Congratulations to you George.
This weeks photo will keep take us away from DHS, but keep us in the parks. Again, I think it rather easy; but that is just me. So, here you go. Take a look. Take a guess. And...tell your friends to visit. Even if someone has answered correctly it doesn't stop them from playing, or at the very least, leaving a comment. Spread the word!

Well, I am going to leave this one to someone else since I guessed one of the previous two. But I am sure that someone can get this one if they get creative and use their imagination.
Oh, dog, you...
Left a little clue, hmmm?
All it takes is one little spark!
Thanks to the other two for pointing out that it's the fountains outside of the imagination pavilion at EPCOT
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