Lately I have been making excuses about how busy I've been and how that may be keeping me from updating the blog on a regular basis. While it is a excuse, it is the truth. My job, as I am sure most people's jobs, keeps me rather busy at times. There are some weeks when I may have 2 or 3 meetings that will take me in to the early evening. No complaints - it is just the way of it.
But, there is also something else that keeps me out of my study at home. Here is a hint...
My wife and I will be sailing on the Disney Dream on February 27th as part of the WDW Radio Dream Cruise. Counting down the days actually. But as part of our cruise preparation, my wife and I joined a gym with the intent of trying to get in better shape. Not that we'll ever be the way we were when we were younger, but better than we have been. We've hired a personal trainer, we're exercising and we're on a fairly strict diet, which of course, will go right out the door when we land in Orlando on the 25th. Hey, who is going to pass up an opportunity to have dinner at LeCellier? We may not look a great deal different when we walk across the gang plank, but we will feel a great deal different.
This is all a vast departure for me. I have often said that I felt that health was highly over rated. Ask around. It's true. Seriously, we joined a gym in August '10 and I walked into the gym for the first time in January '11. Health - not a high priority for me. But my mind is changing on this. I can't deny that I am getting older and though I would like to live as thought numbers don't matter, my age, my height, my weight, I know that they really do. If I want to continue loving my wife, playing with my grandchildren, being with friends, and yes, making regular trips to Walt Disney World, then perhaps I had better start being more considerate of my health.
But the cruise is less than two weeks away. What will be my motivation to continue? True, I'll need to work off some of the weight I'll put on during the cruise and the two days before and the two after in the parks. That may take a month or so, but what after that?
Now before I make this next statement, let me say that this is not an official announcement nor should not in any way be construed as a commitment on my part to fulfill this thought. But here is the statement:
I am very seriously considering running the 2011 Walt Disney World Half Marathon!
There I said it. But again, it is only a consideration at this point. And after some of the cardio sessions I've had on the treadmill these past seven to ten days, I am begin to wonder if my senses have totally left me for even having such a thought. Perhaps so. But it doesn't change anything. I am still carefully, and prayerfully, considering this as my motivation to keep on going to the gym long after the Disney Dream has docked.
In my heart I know I really want to do this, but my mind is battling with the notion. So, it is day-to-day, setting small goals. Such as, being about to consisting cover a mile in 16 minutes or less. I have done that once and it was a great night, but it was only over a two mile stretch. Getting to 13.1 is still a ways away.
In the weeks and months to come, I'll keep you posted on this. If you're so inclined, send a thought or two my way every now and then. I really encourage your comments from time-to-time as those will encourage me also. After all, until last month I could actually recall the month, year and location of the last two times I ran. One was in '96 and the other in '05. Nothing to be proud of true, but it is what it is.
Oh, and about those tennis shoes, I suppose I'll be spending more for a really great running shoe in the next week or so. Any suggestions?
More to follow...