I love that expression! Especially when it pertains to things Disney. Especially when it pertains to being at Disney World. I will wake up in the morning and tell Mrs. Doc, "Honey, this time next week I will be riding Splash Mountain." Or how about this, "In just 72 hours (it is the same as "This Time Next Week", only more specific), I will be on a plane bound for Disney World." Which, in fact, I will.
However, staying with the theme of the post, "This time next week I will be at Disney's Animal Kingdoms 10th Anniversary Celebration." It isn't only me, it is several Disney fans who will come together for the A Wild Decade celebration. Just like MouseFest '07 was several of you, and will be for me this December, I am hoping to meet several others who share their passion for Disney through blogging, podcasting or both. One individual who will be there and who I'll be crossing paths with on a few occasions is Ryan from the Main Street Gazette. Ryan is regular reader of The Disney Obsession, as I am of the Main Street Gazette. He has a tremendous knowledge of the parks and other things Disney and I hope to learn from and be inspired by spending some time with him.
Also, for any of you readers who happen to find yourselves in Liberty Square on Sunday, stop by the Columbia Harbour House. Ryan and I will be joined by a few bloggers and podcasters of note (I'd say who but I haven't asked their permission to mention them here). We'll be meeting at 4:00 p.m. and to quote a nearby host, "There is always room for one more." Or two, or three, or four.
Then, stay on through Tuesday and help Disney's Animal Kingdom celebrate 10 years!
Just think, this time next week...