Monday, January 12, 2009

Twenty-four Seven, Three Hundred and Sixty-Five

Happy New Year! I felt that since this is my first post of 2009 I should start by wishing each of you a belated but Happy New Year.

Christmas is a difficult time for me and my family. It is difficult for me because I am so excited while it approaches and then I hate to see it end. It is difficult for my family because they have deal with me. I am, according to some, as bad, if not worse, than some of my grandchildren. I am not sure about that, but I do know that the kids and I enjoy opening our presents and seeing what each other got. I am still being bothered about opening my Tinker Toys. Not to mention my Buzz & Friends Pixar Character Train from a few years back.

Last year I had my one of my hands badly nicked by a light sabre. So this year I had to ban light sabre duels in the living room. "Let's take it to the dining room kids!"

Since Christmas is something I look forward to all year, and beginning planning for even as I am throwing all the wrapping paper out (sounds like a Disney trip doesn't it), I decided to have small bit of Christmas year round. Christmas with a little Disney mixed in.

So, to close out the holiday so that I can begin looking to the future of The Disney Obsession, I give you the Doc Disney Christmas Tree.

And what Christmas tree would be complete without a few items under it?


Princess Fee said...

Belated Happy New Year to you too, Doc. And love the Doc Disney Christmas Tree too - very pretty!

Unknown said...

Nice Tree. My wife would be jealous. We put up two trees every year, a Disney tree and a traditional tree.