I wish I knew how many photographs are taken of Cinderella Castle each year. I wish I had a nickel for every one of those photographs. If I did, that would be...
Well, it would be a lot! It would certainly give me a down payment (and then some) on some property in Golden Oak. The Tuscan Village style home if you please.
So, if that were not hint enough, the survey says your favorite park icon is Cinderella Castle!

The Castle led this weeks voting by a huge margin. Of the 18 votes cast, it tallied 13, or 72% of the votes. Coming in second was the Tree of Life with 3 (16%) votes, followed by Spaceship Earth with 2 (11%) votes. The Sorcerers Hat received no votes.
At first I was a little surprised with the 2nd and 3rd place votes. Not so much that these two icons came in 2nd and 3rd, because let's just admit, nothing says Walt Disney World quite like the Castle, but the order in which they finished. I would have thought Spaceship Earth would have placed second, but then I thought, it is was it is, a collection of isosceles triangles. The variations of colors on the triangles will change with lighting, but still, it is still a collection of isosceles triangles. Now lest you think I am discounting Spaceship Earth, let me assure you, I am not. It is a favorite and I am going to ride the enclosed attraction two or three times during every visit. But, thinking over the 2nd place, there is so much involved in the Tree of Life that I can see the appreciation.
Now, on to this weeks poll. Turning our thoughts from Walt Disney World and Disneyland, let's look abroad. If you could visit one park not on U.S. soil, which park would it be? Would you visit Disneyland Paris, Walt Disney Studios Park, Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea, or Hong Kong Disneyland. I think this should be interesting.
Note: the poll will run for the two weeks, as next Sunday I'll be boarding the Disney Dream. I feel fairly confident that blogging will be a little far from my mind then.
And as always, please feel free to leave a comment on why you voted the way you did. I think it would be interesting to know why people choose certain parks for specific reasons.
More to follow...
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