Sunday, November 29, 2009

In Response

This is a response to something I read this week on another blog; one of my favorites. It has to do with friendship and instead of simply commenting on the post, I chose to provide my comment here. In this way, those of you who read this blog and the other (which of course begs the question, "why aren't you?), can perhaps reflect on its meaning. It is this:

Life is busy. I think back to how simple life was when I lived in England. When I moved back to America I was astonished at how quickly life got incredibly busy again. So, while it is perhaps polite and proper to apologize for how busy we are, I do not believe it is always necessary. Busy is who we are; it is what we do. True, while we all aspire to a slower way of living in a simpler time, it more often than not escapes us. We strive to do best the we can inside our busy condition.

As to friendship (and this is my comment), true friendship can be measured in that, friends can be apart for long periods of time and have little time to talk, yet, when they are reunited, it is as if there was no separation at all. They pick up just where they left off, as though one had stepped away only for a moment. I am blessed to have friends like that and the author of the blog you should be reading is one.

While I am here...

I have not taken the time to post a Thanksgiving message. This doesn't mean I have little to be thankful for; quite the contrary. If you follow TDO then you know what 2009 has meant to me. It may not included as many trips to Walt Disney World as I would have liked to take, but I did enjoy an Alaskan cruise with my wife, my mother, my sister and my youngest nephew. You know I got to answer the question, "What will you celebrate?" by walking down Main Street U.S.A. my grandchildren (a dream come true) and being back in the parks with my son. Then last month I had the honor of presenting my daughter to be married.

All-in-all, not a bad year and great great deal to be thankful for. And all this without mentioning home, health, provision, and all the daily ways I am thankful.

More to follow...

This post carries no photographs, therefore, there are not photo credits.

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